A concise history of mSupply

It's coming up 10 years this month since the first installation of mSupply went live, so it's a good time to go all watery eyed and think a bit about where we've come from.

It started with "Medical Supply Department" in Kathmandu, Nepal. We were looking around for software to replace a system called "Bhandari" written by Jaap Zijp, the previous director. In the end we made the foolish decision to take what we had learned from Bhandari and write our own system. Amazingly it worked, and in the last 10 years we've been able to correct most (all?) of the bad programming decisions we made at the start. Fortunately we got the data structures pretty right.

In early 2001 we had the opportunity to start Sustainable Solutions. Before we even had the company registered, Ujwal approached us at he'd just returned from England and was looking for work. Since then the road has had it's ups and downs. A lot of people have shown faith in our ability to stick around, and we hope that trust has been rewarded. . Thanks- without you we wouldn't be here.

We're fully intending to be around for another 10 years, and we're looking forward to working with existing friends to strengthen the systems that are place, and getting to meet some new faces as well.


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