mSupply in Myanmar

Internet connectivity in Myanmar can be challenging, especially in areas outside the capital, Yangon. The use of mSupply’s sync technology has allowed far-flung facilities across programmes and districts to use mSupply and provide good information to assist with procurement and management decisions.

Our initial installation and training trip saw us carrying out centralised training for around 40 malaria and ARV programme users in Yangon. We then travelled to other regions to deliver on-the-job training to small groups of those users in their work places. Depending on the size of their facilities, some were using mSupply mobile on tablets, others were using normal mSupply on laptops. It was an exciting time for all as the users quickly got to grips with the software and technology and we saw information about stock at these initial facilities become available where it was needed.

Since then the use of mSupply has expanded to around 70 sites spanning several vertical programmes. In January 2016 we installed mSupply and trained users at the central essential medicine warehouse in Mandalay. You can read more about it here).

It has been a great start and we’re looking forward to what the future holds for Myanmar!


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