Why we're excited about the Cook Islands...

The Cook Islands are a beautiful part of the world.  It’s a popular tourist destination for very good reasons. Lonely Planet describes it as “Fifteen droplets of land cast across 2 million sq km of wild Pacific blue, the Cook Islands are simultaneously remote and accessible, modern and traditional.”

When the mSupply team visited in March, however, it wasn’t as tourists.

The team installed Desktop mSupply at Rarotonga Hospital and Aitutaki with mSupply mobile being rolled out to several other islands.  Tupaia, the health facility mapping app, was installed alongside, offering a comprehensive solution for pharmaceutical logistics to the region.

The Cook Islands teams were welcoming and friendly. They were a pleasure to work alongside and the mSupply team enjoyed their company greatly.

While mSupply is known to be very user friendly and simple to use, training was provided to ensure users were comfortable using the new system.

Project lead Chris Petty had this to say: “This was an opportunity for mSupply and Tupaia to provide robust, tested and proven systems that will make life simpler for the users while keeping pharmaceutical records accurate and up to date.”

When we undertake projects like this, we are driven by the desire to help people.  That’s why we’re excited.  We helped.


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