mSupply v7.19 (2024-12-11)
For All
- Localised some standard reports [15466]
- Notifications window, the expiring items to show the stock window [15322]
- REST API: add cost and sell price to stock endpoint [15545]
- Notifications window, add Pending PO – status “sg” [15524]
- Replenishment: search by item code [15519]
- Item list (master & local) preference will be turn on by default for new datafiles [15336]
- Custom stock fields list show in alphabetical order [15646]
- Add logs for backorders [15490]
- The footer font is 7 by default in File->Preference->Dispensary Mode [15477]
- Add universal code column to Masterlist [14842]
- Additional pref to allow 180 rotation for printing dispensing labels [15547]
- DHIS2 config, add a column to set the data element “prefix” code [15439]
- DHIS2 LMIS configuration improvements [15435]
Timor Leste
- Migrate DHIS2 setting to new configuration [15641]
- Nigeria UNFPA: Add Unit pack column in cross river delivery note [15613]
- Nigeria Axios: `Consolidated inventory stock status` report shows wrong value for column “Quarantine (on hold adjustment)” [15690]
- Accounts copy, warehouse copy, customer copy – three copies of delivery note required [15639]
- Total amount in words to be shown on their customer invoice [15504]
Bug fixes
- Haiti: Expired stock report shows some excess expired stock [15625]
- Save sort order button in stocktake does not work [15621]
- Sending negative value to DHIS2 [15607]
- Ivedix: fix warehouse code for malaria store in stock status endpoint payload [15605]
- Supplier tender response report shows the wrong data for the manufacturer [15583]
- Myanmar: Stock on date report gets the batch and quantity information mixed up. [15575]
- Myanmar: Reports generating with wrong data in supervisor all stores [15505]
- Validation is required for data integrity on repack [15472]
- ‘Sequential searching’ on opening pref form [15468]
- Remote search API removes wildcard when searching for the identifier (patient code) [15453]
- Column headers for ‘Units’ and ‘Quantity’ are round the wrong way for goods received form [15451]
- mSupply – Moneyworks integration demo : The CLI command needs to handle SSL protocol [15424]
- Waybill_Packing_List_Invoice report – update address [15560]
- `Overstock items` and `Understocked items` in notifications calculation based on the new AMC formula [14795]
- NCCTRC Custom Pick List report “NCCTRC Pick List” not appearing on Excel properly [15654]
- Haiti: customer invoices can be confirmed by anyone with only “View customer invoices” permission [15630]
- Item usage report Last 12/24 month columns not matching months cover [15567]
- The existing customer cannot be turned into a store if the unique name code preference is turned on [15561]
- Alert if the user tries to delete the master list that is opened [15486]
- Editing a manual requisition line’s “Available stock” even though it’s calculated [15467]
- Remote authorisation: lines not in numerical order [15450]
- VVM status should be sorted by level but is currently sorted by description [15428]
- Misaligned button boxes for supplier invoice/inv adj. addition [15416]
- Open mSupply immunisations permissions are not copied across stores [15324]
- On confirming the tender the UI status stays on `sg` [15194]
- Add a horizontal scroll bar on `transaction report window`->`Type of report to view long report names` [15389]
- Runtime Error while filtering stores from store list [15328]
- The records are not shown according to the window title [15346]
- Adding ‘Since the beginning’ date range to miscellaneous reports [15565]
- Remove total number of lines in tender comment, add a dynamic field for total lines [15310]
- Runtime error when you display the graph for mean quantity [15637]
- Item property table is duplicating records where it shouldn’t [15431]
- Supplier Invoice: If you add ‘weight’ first, than ‘received quantity’ later, the weight won’t be saved. [15412]
- Runtime Error when you change the expiry date form the confirmed SI [15669]
For internal use
- Turn off all integration if the database is not/unregistered [14587]
- Add `transact.finalised_time` [15299]
- Document registry upload, accents aren’t read correctly [15418]
- Trying to sync a pref can block sync if any logs are created [15405]
- Add om_item_variant_id to `stocktake_line` [15618]
- Add om_item_variant_id to item_line and trans_line [15495]
- Sync isn’t disabled during merge operations [15086]
- Add JSON buttons to record browser [15517]
- Improve checks for silent merge during sync [15550]
Where is mSupply?
mSupply is primarily used in low- and middle-income countries around the world. You can find us in more than 35 countries.
Version History
- mSupply v8.01 (2025-03-19)
- mSupply v8.0 (2025-01-30)
- mSupply v7.19 (2024-12-11)
- mSupply v7.18 (2024-10-09)
- mSupply v7.17 (2024-08-31)
- mSupply v7.16 (2024-07-18)
- mSupply v7.15 (2024-06-05)
- mSupply v7.14 (2024-04-26)
- mSupply v7.13 (2024-03-27)
- mSupply v7.12 (2024-02-12)
- mSupply v7.11 (2023-12-22)
- mSupply v7.10 (2023-11-27)
- mSupply v7.09 (2023-10-20)
- mSupply v7.08 (2023-09-22)
- mSupply v7.07 (2023-08-15)
- mSupply v7.06 (2023-07-05)
- mSupply v7.05 (2023-05-25)
- mSupply v7.04 (2023-04-12)
- mSupply v7.03 (2023-03-09)
- mSupply v7.02 (2023-03-01)
- mSupply v7.01 (2023-02-01)
- mSupply v7.00 (2022-12-22)
- mSupply v6.06 (2022-10-31)
- mSupply v6.05 (2022-10-14)
- mSupply v6.04 (2022-09-14)
- mSupply v6.03 (2022-08-15)
- mSupply v6.02 (2022-07-27)
- mSupply v6.01 (2022-07-05)
- mSupply v6.00 (2022-05-20)
- mSupply v5.07 (2022-03-22)