Version History

v1.5 (18th March 2003)


  • Support for bar code scanning implemented.
  • Labels can be printed for names (including address labels and barcode labels.
  • Display of margin and gross profit for invoices.
  • Improved graphics for buttons on invoice forms (thanks to Cognito Software for the ideas and graphics!)
  • OK & Next button now works when editing an invoice, so one can edit lines on an invoice without returning to the invoice list.
  • The main invoice list window now updates in the background when an item is being added or edited.
  • The font can be chosen for invoice lists.
  • Item notes can now be set to display when issuing or receiving the item.
  • Automated backup while mSupply is running, along with a scheduler to specify when backups should run.
  • Can now use a bill of materials when building items.
  • Built items can now report the production yeild in relation to theoretical quantity on the bill of materials
  • Expiring items report can now be sorted by value, name or expiry date.
  • Stock totals report can now be for all items or just one department
  • Much expanded user permissions system. Many more access priveleges can be set on a per-user basis.
  • Preference to automatically renumber lines when a line is deleted.
  • Backorder list now displays available stock
  • A new button on invoices shows the profit (value and markup/margin) for a customer invoice.
  • Printed transaction lists now display the total value of the transactions at the bottom.
  • New Report type to print an item ledger between any two given dates. This allows a ledger to be printed for any historical period.
  • Improved support for certain dot matrix printers that require line advance before printing.
  • Each batch of an item can have it’s own location specified when goods are being received.
  • New preference to determine whether or not placeholder lines are deleted when an invoice is confirmed.
  • When repacking items mSupply now attempts to guess the price of the new pack size.
  • Can now do custom reports on item notes.
  • New progress windows more accurately show progress for long operations.
  • Added a new report to the transaction reports total value for each item to show the value supplied or received of each item over a date range.
  • Added a new report to the transaction reports: ítem usage broken down by cost centre which shows the totals for each cost centre under each major item heading. (This report can be run for just a single item or group of items)
  • Items can now have a long description field.
  • A new tab for each item shows the orders for the item (both historical and current).
  • Customers can now have a separate shipping and billing address
  • A new report lists each user, their access level, last log-on time and date, and the number of log-ons for the user.
  • Can now lock orders to stop them being deleted.
  • Can now resize order windows correctly.
  • Orders can now be partially received, and receved in multiple consignments. More information is stored about the original order quantity etc, allowing reporting on supplier performance.
  • Finding orders in mSupply is now easier.
  • Each invoice line now stores the item name, so that historical information is retained, even if an item name is edited after an invoice has been finalized.

Bug fixes

  • In Client/Server mode, deletion of placeholder lines when confirming an invoice could cause some items to not have their stock updated
  • Fixed bug (also fixed in 1.43r5) where comment was not editable on supplier invoices, but service item fields & supplier ref were.
  • Fixed a problem where export batch numbers could be skipped if the user cancelled the export.
  • Certain build transactions could advesely affect ledger reports
  • Ledger reports for items with fractional quantities would report an discrepancy when there was none.
  • Deleting orders did not work properly in client-server mode.
  • Custom reports can now be done with a query on the √íhold√ì fields for items