Version History

mSupply v4.07 (2019-12-06)

New Features

  1. Dashboard module
    1. Auto create fields added in postgres #4653 #4637
    2. Dashboard – now able to export last sync details #4577 #4583 
  2. Sync module
    1. API now sends admin preference in login body #4530 
    2. Return “IsAdmin” field #4531 #4530
  3. Transaction module
    1. Supplier credits now able to be stock transfers #4517 #2840
  4. Translations
    1. Outstanding summary window translated to French #4335 #4739 
    2. User Activity Totals reports translated #3561 #4693 
    3. Replaced hardcoded “try again” by xliff when searching for/adding items #4549 #4546
  5. Other general items
    1. A newly created store now automatically adopts the store that it was created in as it’s supplying store, and these two stores are be made visible to each other #4381 
    2. Ability to create Purchase Order from supplier hub local list #4543 #4533
    3. SRP Report Plugin now creates xps file for Preview on win7, win8 #4712 #4593
    4. Set up supplier hub #4532 #4520

Côte d’Ivoire specific features

  1. Returning goods via supplier invoice
    1. Now able to return goods to a supplier by selecting them on the supplier invoice and clicking a button #4616 #4437 
  2. Dispensing module
    1. Disallowed editing of patient code when auto generate prefs are set #4592 #4380
    2. Prescribed quantity now on prescriptions as well as dispensed quantity #4609 #4556
  3. Display HIV Regimen Indicators
    1. Add indicator constants xliffs #4749 #4752 
    2. Added indicators sync #4714 #4707
    3. Added program HIV indicators #4634 #4632
    4. Added regimen to indicator migration #4692 #4659
    5. Added requisition HIV indicators #4644 #4641
    6. Disabled emergency indicators #4706 #4705
    7. Enforced indicator types #4754 #4755 
    8. Implemented HIV indicator values #4658 #4646
    9. Implemented indicators deletion #4724 #4720
    10. Indicators added xliffs #4713 #4711
    11. Updated indicators branch #4698 #4697
  4. Requisitions module
    1. Now ability for unlimited emergency requisitions but only a configurable (5 initially) maximum amount of lines on each one #4645 #4557 
  5. Reports module
    1. Transaction report: Net inventory adjustments – updated format to include logo and correct heading style #4691 #4560 
    2. Updated template for quick reports : adds custom Côte d’Ivoire header #4730 #4708
  6. Transactions module
    1. Receiving patients’ payments and receipts module preferences tied #4311 #4065
  7. Inventory Adjustments
    1. Reason copied from stocktake line when creating inventory adjustment line #4743 #4750 
    2. Reasons in inventory adjustments now show as dropdown list and match reasons in stocktake #4630 #4541
  8. Other general items – Côte d’Ivoire
    1. Regimen data included in requisition created in eLMIS #4638 #4654 
    2. Indicator changes as requested #4704 #4696

UNFPA specific features

  1. Supplier Hub module – UNFPA
    1. Allow users to set up access details for supplier hub through mSupply #4520 
    2. Create Purchase Order from supplier masterlist #4533 
    3. Extra fields displayed for a UNFPA supplier hub customer requisition #4726 #4725
    4. Goods received confirmation displayed #4701 #4640
    5. Formatted GR Note for posting to the supplier hub #4627 #4579
    6. Formatted order for supplier hub #4574 #4554
    7. Corrected behaviour when registering a name for the supplier hub #4655 #4642
    8. GRCs now stored as single objects not collections #4695 #4694
    9. Integrated catalogue into mSupply #4700 
    10. Integrated GR confirmation into mSupply #4651 #4582
    11. Integrated order sent from Supplier Hub as a Customer Requisition at the supplier site #4590 #4580
    12. Integrated a supplier hub ASN should update the Expected Delivery date on the PO #4652 #4650
    13. Send catalogue changes to sync queue #4686 #4643
    14. Now using nested record structure #4636 
    15. Record lines stored as a collection, not stringified #4690 #4687
    16. Supplier hub improvements #4688 #4594
    17. Hub ID now site identifier when creating and integrating ASN records #4626 #4625

Laos specific features

  1. Reports module – Laos
    1. Existing customisation report and template improved #4669 #4681

Cambodia specific features

  1. Reports module – Cambodia
    1. Fonts while previewing report revised #4593 

Bug Fixes

  1. Custom data tab added to item input form #4263 #4230
  2. Adjusted Local Cost defaults to sell price when Foreign Currency cost is set to Zero #4617 
  3. Customer must be assigned to ad-hoc items in PO #4682 #4671
  4. Dates in improved Outstanding PO lines report now recognised as dates by Excel #4565 
  5. Log tab was missing from item_line (item stock line details) #4660 
  6. Records display process error message corrected #4526 #4523
  7. Item ledger report runtime error fixed #4656 #4629
  8. Store preference spelling correction #4547 #4529
  9. Use patients’ credit preference tied to the ‘ Activate customer receipts module’ pref #4065 
  10. Fixed supplier invoice from being created multiple times from a Goods receipt #4545 #4470

Côte d’Ivoire specific fixes

  1. Stocktake current quantity checkbox bug fixed#4488 
  2. Customer invoice exporting to Excel smooth #4509 #4507
  3. Fixed French text truncated on navigator #4727 
  4. Internal order shortkeys fixed to update DDL #4586 #3276
  5. When the system-wide prefs “Auto-generate patient code” & “Prefix code w” are set, could still edit code #4380 
  6. Only show custom data tab on client invoice window when there is one new #4648 #4497