Version History

v2.03 (9th July 2009)

As usual mSupply V2.03 contains a whole lot of new features, a few minor changes & bug fixes


  • Able to hide or unhide an item per store
  • Supervisors are allowed to view, create and modify purchase orders per store
  • New preference added to enforce unique name codes
  • Imprest item report can now also  be grouped by department
  • Web Interface: now displays custom fields
  • New date column added on purchase order lines receipt history tab&nbsp
  • Hot link to directly view Purchase order from supplier invoice
  • Goods received can be searched according to purchase order number
  • New preference to allow changing of data on custom user fields on finalized invoices
  • New user preference to view and create Customer stock takes
  • New report based on Items displaying item category and description
  • New notes column added on customer invoice that notifies whether an item contains note or not
  • Management report enhanced to handle internal transfers
  • Report Item list now also displays total stock on hand
  • New ledger report showing total Inventory adjustment (this report is based on Microsoft’s OOXML format. For further information please contact Sustainable Solutions.)
  • Special Invoices are now printed on the selected invoice format.
  • Invoice series are also printed on selected invoice format
  • New preference added to print long Item description on purchase order


  • Supervisors are only allowed to perform specific tasks, such as creating purchase orders, Viewing items and reports.
  • Dispensary labels won’t print for customer credits
  • Every name record will have its currency, freight factor and margin set. (this will only happen to those records where this information has not been previously set.)


*Solved a problem with crashing Transaction Report window

  • Fixed an issue with items having zero pack size while importing
  • Prescriber report now points to the right report.
  • Web item search now finds the correct item.
  • Print dialog window is not displayed if the Print job is cancelled on purchase order


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