Version History

v303r1 (24 March 2011)

New Features

Abbreviation Importing names Viewing logs

  • Import routines have now been unified. The user interface displayed to import items, stock [2817], names [2821], abbreviation [2854] and prescribers should now appear the same. This should be less confusing for the end user.
  • New user permission for names : Users now allowed to either view or to modify names or to do both. [2960]
  • New user permission for items : Users now allowed to either view or to modify items or to do both. [2959]
  • Style updated for various windows. Customer > Show group… [3098], Item > Manage item access… [3160], Customer > Show Categories [3089]
  • New user permission : Allowed to modify transaction categories on finalised invoices [3078]

Bug fixes

  • It was possible for a customisable list window (items, transactions, purchase orders) to appear off-screen which prevented the user from being able to close the window as the “close” icon at the top of the window was not visible. From v303r1 onwards, the list window won’t appear off-screen. [3275]
  • Searching by item flag resulted in an un-pleasant error message. [3274]
  • Customer invoice print out : The “Their Ref” field was missing from the printout. [3227]
  • Merging of names should update the manufacturer field for quote lines if it’s used. [2970]
  • Viewing item and changing units resulted in an array range error [3124]

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