mSupply v3.85 (2018-04-04)
New Features
- Transaction Reports- allow saving of report settings and re-use of saved settings. [8517]
- mSupply Customer module updated to use React [8645]
- Allow use of USB printer connections [8697]
- 3-part Dispensary labels can now be used [8741]
- Dashboard reports : new reports for displaying items and stores in a table, with the cells showing the stock for each item in each store.
- Can now sync locally added users to the central server [8544]
- Server changes so that merges done on remote sites in a sync system will work across the whole system [8314]
- Item usage report : removed 2 columns for 5 and 6 months ago and added 2 columns for expiring stock in the next 6 and 12 months [8589]
- User Transactions Total report produces Excel output that shows an hourly breakdown of prescriptions [8708]
- Added Purchase Order reference as a column when choosing supplier in goods receiving [7024]
- When choosing supplying store for another site, visibility of the store(s) is automatically handled [8542]
- Dispensary mode can now process customer returns [8755]
- Item detail form > ledger tab : Speed improvements with long ledgers [8615]
- Rewrote web catalogue to use React [8427]
- Custom reports for users in Myanmar, Nigeria, DR Congo, Sierra Leone and the Cook Islands. [8784]
- Custom data interfaces – you can now save unlimited custom data about almost any record. This allows building of complex customised work flows and reporting systems. [8573]
Bug Fixes
- On invoice find window, use list view checkbox couldn’t be checked [8765]
- Dashboard reports weren’t initialised correctly in new datafiles [8665]
- Sync > On cloud : Can delete the invoice and disable the confirm date field as well [8754]
- National Quarterly Report : Showing 00-00-00 on report as checker code was failing to check if system date was changed [8718]
- Custom National Quarterly Report : Expiry date was missing stock lines [8687]
- Custom report : Country Report was declaring no items in selection when there were records to be reported [8686]
- Adding new item to a master list : Could add same item twice [8680]
- On sync satellite : Item detail window > stock tab buttons were disabled though they should not have been. [8678]
- Repack lines whose type is set to stock_in for line number 1 when should be “stock_out” (upgrade fixes bad historical data too) [8664]
- Item receive > input window > unit issued > When stock line was not being issued out, the alert was not showing the name of the item [8620]
- Customer budget reports : the menu option was hidden behind a customisation code [8577]
- Tender Input > Purchase Order Tab : Clicking “Convert to sg” changed the status of tender to “fn” [4338]
- Purchase Orders : Split command didn’t fill in user created by or create a log entry [1093]
- Printing of confirmed customer invoices showed an for some users [8774]
- Arrays were missing from compiler methods for printer code [8734]
- Update code for 385 thew an error when processing a new USB label printer [8727]
- Querying by store tags for dashboard reports didn’t work for tags longer than one word [8674]
- Locations: Coordinates were not saved until Draw button was clicked [4906]
- No longer creating the mSupply/Reports folder, it can cause problems and it’s not needed [4459]
- Supplier > Outstanding PO lines : Totals were carried out on quantities. Removed the totals columns [6065]
- Stock take with spaces report had too many spaces [7662]
- Purchase order reporting : Now able to report for a single Purchase Order [4859]
- Tender customisation > lowest price selection was failing [8659]
- Tender > import additional bid now uploads data from sheet 1 [8649]
- Added an mSupply [log] record when an item and name is deleted [8644]
- Deleted Item and name seemed to re-appear. This is now resolved [8643]
- Custosm district and provincial hospital by batch needed sell price for individual batch [8642]
- On a sync collector : Don’t allow to delete/update the details when SI/CI transaction has status “NW” [8613]
- Open form window used with * as an parameter on input window could fail to open a correct input window [7016]
- Goods Received Note : After deleting a line from a Goods Receipt, double clicking on a Goods Receipt line gave the wrong information [6785]
- Supplier invoice line window : Total quantity field always remembered the last quantity which was received. Should be refreshed [7014]
- Show locations : if there is a search filter, OK/Next now goes to the next filtered location in the list [5411]
- Permissions needed minor corrections [4134]
- Transaction Report Templates could be made inaccessible to their own creators. [8647]
- Items> item line details window : when a user removed the location hit tab, the location reappears. This has been resolved. [5504]
- Supervisor mode: Reports > Show total stock value was disabled [3817]
- Item stock tab : details were not refreshing after double-clicking on a stock line and editing it [6125]
- Printing options window : when printing, failed to remember the previously used form when “Remember this choice” was ticked [3546]
- Customer/supplier transaction input : the budget DDL was not sorted by date [3810]
- Quick reports: qr_get_store_name was not working as first parameter assignment was missing [8624]
- Custom data : Clicking OK button without viewing the custom data tab generated an error [8633]
- Item was not restricted to a location type when stock was being received. [6313]
- ‘Share prescriptions over stores’ preference wasn’t working for single prescriptions (i.e. not repeats) [8778]
- Store list form : column headers to use resource. [7863]
- Sync collector store : Customer invoices input window – disabled alerts that would stop window being closed [8521]
- Purchase order list column heading ‘Lock’ is now ‘Locked’ [4327]
- Sync with incorrect send/receive site IDs didn’t generate an error [8609]
- Purchase_order_line records weren’t syncing to primary server while creating new goods received [8608]
- Standard report “Goods received Date vs. Order date – show items” or PO_GR_item_summary: summary lines were not correct [7007]
- Update EDD icon presented a non-standard window which didn’t have validation [4325]
- While changing single user sync site to Unsync site an error was given while starting mSupply. [8660]
- Preferences > Invoices 2 tab : Show transport details preference didn’t have any affect [7381]
- Item.barcode field – was auto assigned per store but is now unique across stores [8650]
- Added a 3rd button to the items > universal code button which allows you to clear the code [8523]
- When removing a remote site from sync on primary, the related sync out records were not deleted. [8394]
- Item usage report options window : VEN category Drop down list was not set to “Don’t care” by default & “Exclude transfers” should be off [8588]
- Store preferences were not copied when off-line store data was created for a store [8579]
- Purchase order : [purchase_order_line] price_extension_before_discount was being incorrectly filled in [6624]
- Supplier invoice printing: summary Landscape Consolidated items : was failing to work if exporting to excel [8669]
- We are now able to register mSupply using computer (computer UUID) ID which is generated once and is constant. [8496]
- If a requisition line was over-supplied after creating a CI from it, the “supply this invoice” column didn’t change [8458]
- Handled sending data to a DHIS2 server when the year changes [8684]
- Improved error handling for synchronisation [8663]
- Transaction_master_category data was wrongly created on all sites when on sync on v383 version update [8597]
- Added a progress bar for ‘hide all items in this store’ [4403]
- Multiple [sync_out] records were created for Stock transfers on the sync primary server. This was causing ledger problems on the remote site. [8676]
- Viewing Purchase order and looking at the location tab was very slow [8724]
- Customer invoice line input form was truncated on the right hand side [8703]
- Import items and stock: Wrong stock import count and extra line feed error. [6806]
- Sync : it was possible for a broken network to result in double-receipt of sync_out with by a satellite, potentially negatively impacting the ledger [8635]
- Duplicated supplier invoice encounter on sync data which has two active stores [8679]
- PO internal requisition : Duplicate order lines created when “redistribute” button was pressed on CI [8739]
- v385 registration upgrade on a server exe or even a single user exe, the registration was updated despite a change in hardware [8753]
- File > preference > Dashboard tabs > New line window > Clicking OK > caused mSupply to crash [7985]
- Upon successful and unsuccessful registration of a syncing datafile, the sync settings were getting wiped [8757]
- Purchase order : Was able to confirm with out a supplier set [8771]
- Adding new location and viewing, was resulting in error with array range. [8777]
- Patient tab on Dispensary Mode now has a Customer Credit Module/Button [8769]
- Deleting any warning label on an item deleted last warning label in table [8779]
- Prefs > Tenders : Renamed “Tender reference” to “Label for tender reference” [3814]
- Dispensing > New Prescription > New Item: ‘Abreviations’ should read ‘Directions’ [6738]
- Customer Invoice : ‘Issue stock for all placeholder lines’ function allocated stock from on-hold locations when it shouldn’t have. [8735]
- Dispensing repeats : was possible to issue a repeat from another store if there is stock, but it didn’t add a placeholder if there is not stock [8737]
- Running an item usage report : calculating arrays for 6 and 12 months expiry stock was throwing an error [8786]
- Location Input window : Hold checkbox : The field got locked after viewing the stock assigned to this location. [8775]
- VEN categories changed from Normal to Necessary [8772]
- Sync queue records now have date and time stamps [8507]
- On sync system : Cancelling stock transfer or received Supplier invoice now gives a warning [8756]
- Report_ledger_per_batch : improve code readability [8596]
- Consolidate stock : improve the code as there was not much of a audit trail. [5480]
- Capitalisation wasn’t consistent on tab controls [8658]
- Remove XLIFF localisation editor component as we have our own now [6818]
- File>Preferences>Backup2 – should have been “keep the last X backups” (not “backup”) [3811]
- Can now resize log window [8023]
- Updated catalogueItem REST API to return extra fields for catalogue [8638]
- On sync or non-sync site: We now allow the merging of internal names when it’s needed. [8621]
- The [sync_out].StoreID field was not indexed, causing slow queries over all records [8602]
- Transactions list window : Clicking on the filters icon, window that opened had the title ‘Trans name sidebar’ [4382]
- Supervisor mode : all the store selection listboxes now have headings [6786]
- Suggested order quantities report > calculate window: ends of some labels were truncated [4463]
- Adding a new patient : when checking the ‘Hold- do not issue’ checkbox, the alert which displayed was incorrect [4542]
- Items > accounts > input: removed the delete button as there’s already one on the output form [3808]
- Transactions: log_create method on confirm button : added the invoice number to the event [2819]
- Dashboard report showing stock for each item in each store – improve speed [8590]
- When a store is in dispensary mode it was missing Requistions, customers add/show in Navigator [8743]
- Patient > Show prescription – last 15 invoices display was slow [8730]
- Stock transfer between two remote sites : Receiving store was not able to cancel a FN supplier invoice [8720]
- When setting requested delivery date in POs the date on edit PO screen was not visibe [7715]
- Customer web module : Modified API calls for show order and order details screens of new customer web module [8768]
- Updated resources : Drug Registration > Registration [8213]
- Report interface option filter window for the six reports [8695]
- Order Details (new and existing orders) component, logic [8540]
Where is mSupply?
mSupply is primarily used in low- and middle-income countries around the world. You can find us in more than 35 countries.
Version History
- mSupply v8.0 (2025-01-30)
- mSupply v7.19 (2024-12-11)
- mSupply v7.18 (2024-10-09)
- mSupply v7.17 (2024-08-31)
- mSupply v7.16 (2024-07-18)
- mSupply v7.15 (2024-06-05)
- mSupply v7.14 (2024-04-26)
- mSupply v7.13 (2024-03-27)
- mSupply v7.12 (2024-02-12)
- mSupply v7.11 (2023-12-22)
- mSupply v7.10 (2023-11-27)
- mSupply v7.09 (2023-10-20)
- mSupply v7.08 (2023-09-22)
- mSupply v7.07 (2023-08-15)
- mSupply v7.06 (2023-07-05)
- mSupply v7.05 (2023-05-25)
- mSupply v7.04 (2023-04-12)
- mSupply v7.03 (2023-03-09)
- mSupply v7.02 (2023-03-01)
- mSupply v7.01 (2023-02-01)
- mSupply v7.00 (2022-12-22)
- mSupply v6.06 (2022-10-31)
- mSupply v6.05 (2022-10-14)
- mSupply v6.04 (2022-09-14)
- mSupply v6.03 (2022-08-15)
- mSupply v6.02 (2022-07-27)
- mSupply v6.01 (2022-07-05)
- mSupply v6.00 (2022-05-20)
- mSupply v5.07 (2022-03-22)
- mSupply v5.06 (2021-12-16)