mSupply v4.01 (2018-12-17)
New Features
Version 4.01 is our biggest release in several years.
There are several significant features:
- Change to 64 bit architecture. This is the biggest internal change to mSupply in a decade. It means:
- Much faster operations – some reports are 10 times as fast
- Ability to use RAM > 2 Gb for caching, which facilitates the increase in speed
- Better support for modern operating systems
- Version 4 (and following) WILL NOT RUN on 32 bit systems – please check here before upgrading
- Much improved internal orders from one store to another:
- There is a new “internal order” form and logic for placing orders from one store to another. This improves workflows, allows better capture of unmet demand, and is much faster [8791]. View the user guide here
- If you still use Purchase Orders for internal ordering, that’s still possible, but in the supplying store a requisition is now made, allowing you to easily supply the order over multiple customer invoices. When the stock is received in the requesting store, a goods receipt is still made, but pricing information now flows through correctly. View the user guide here
- Days out of stock, Stock on hand and Average monthly consumption (AMC) are now pre-calculated using a DHIS2 style aggregation table. Many reports now run much faster.
- We have two new web applications
- The Stock web app allows you to quickly view stock in a warehouse from a phone, tablet or laptop. View the user guide here
- The Authorisation web app means that if managers or heads of department need to approve receipts, supplies or orders, they can do so from their phone or computer. [8919]. View the user guide here
- Translation into Khmer language.
- Full support for Unicode input into fields.
- Email notifications: if you want to run a report on a schedule and email it to a user or group of users, mSupply can now do this. If there are multiple reports for the same user, they’ll be put into a single Excel spreadsheet as different workbooks. [8794]. View the user guide here
There’s some minor features too:
- User permission report – Spin the store names to 90 degrees [8444]
- Cambodia: Response requisition have the requested quantity filled out automatically [8889]
- Item name: increased to 255 characters [9060]
- Stock take: Creating inventory adjustment when not enough stock: We re-enabled our previous easy options [8811]
- Kits importing PO – Management of interactive importing spreadsheet process [8713]
Bug Fixes
- Purchase order > Internal requisition: The supplier invoice in the receiving store misses out on the price info [8913]
- Running a transactional cross tab report generated an error [9143]
- Reports > Item List: Item Location column displayed blank for items which had location set [9166]
- Stock take > Input form: Stock take number replaced with spare label [9120]
- Good Receipt: Add Item table did not show auto calculated total quantity [9048]
- With some rare situations, it was possible for an invoice line to be linked to the one item when the batch itself is linked to the different item [8429]
- Item > input form: Adding/Updating Bulk shelf location did not save in the database [9167]
- Editing quick reports from the report management list on 64 bit threw an error [9099]
- Solomon islands custom PO report failed for item with “&” in the name [9130]
- Authorisation: Inventory adjustments required authorisation [9034]
- On sync: Creating a Repack transaction failed to send the associated lines to the desired store on Cloud [9095]
- User tags: the type-ahead list of tags was only generated when loading the user list- instead of the user “input” form method [9050]
- Remove [users]“input” > permissions(3) tab > can view the dashboard pref (and assoc code) [8494]
- Requisition MOS fields [9067]
- Customisation code for Cambodia wasn’t added to customization_check code [9052]
- alert_display new line/line feed “\n” didn’t work in v16 [8942]
- V4.00 Dashboard looks to be down. We can’t even login either locally or on to a live server [8995]
- Stock on Date report in Supervisor Mode produced erroneous results [8835]
- Internal orders: when editing the number of months, only the calculated quantity changed – not the requested quantity [8941]
- File > Import > Locations… Failed to import location with attached [8688]
- Some 4D quick reports were not updated to our latest structure [8986]
- Stock take sheet: Items were printing over multiple pages instead of fitting to a single page [8992]
- Report > Item & Stock > Days out of stock: Items printed over multiple pages and wasn’t excel friendly [8994]
- Supplier invoice printout: Transaction lines printed over multiple pages [9001]
- Goods Receiving module broken: Stores without Goods Receiving Auth Not handled effectively [9016]
- Goods Received line: Batch and expiry failed to update [9028]
- Myanmar Chai: Had error regarding lack of of SRP report [9041]
- mSupply has gone “spare” [8907]
- Custom fields: When adding custom_data fields in Preferences these shouldn’t show on [Store]input Custom fields [8880]
- Merging the name via the method “name_merge_process” did not create a sync record [9088]
- Dashboard double click to edit a report was not working [9053]
- Dashboard was not showing on interface: missing from structure [9051]
- Receiving item: Adding new donor, the added donor did not show in the list [9059]
- Finalising an internal order: had an unnecessary prompt to delete lines with zero quantity [8906]
- Goods received: wasn’t able to finalise [9061]
- For internal requisitions, the generated GR was incorrectly retaining the location from the CI [8954]
- Dashboard of Solomon Islands had problems with report “Sync sites last connection date” [8729]
- Strange trigger code occurred on pref_blob [8946]
- Stores in dispensary mode: attempted to print dispensary labels for normal CI invoice to facilities [8830]
- Customer invoice authorisation store pref also applies to dispensary prescription but the form was missing the required checkbox [7689]
- Internal Orders: Newly created internal orders didn’t show confirm button [8893]
- Remote authorisation: Finalise behaviour for CIs didn’t match SI behaviour [8963]
- The stock transfer CI invoice was unable to be duplicated [8887]
- Importing Item and Stock – Stock line was not being assigned with a Supplier “Inventory”. [8989]
- Running a suggested order quantities report > Order ID was showing the UUID instead of an Order number [8984]
- Myanmar MAM > Monthly MAM report – Report data wasn’t synchronised – the values were good but not showing in the right place [9012]
- SRP > Printing a Good received > Failed to show all lines (showed the last line only) [9033]
- Goods received: not able to be finalised [9015]
- Transaction report Window > Date Chooser DDL > Failed when selecting “this half year/ Previous Half year” [8776]
- v4.10 Remote Authorisation: ‘Entered by’ field in Customer Invoice window changed when on Authorisation tab [8860]
- Running a under permission report > Generated an error [8846]
- Internal order: at the sub store: The finalise button gave an alert about deleting non entered lines [8890]
- CI transaction input window > Username field: was changed when clicked on Authorisation tab [8876]
- Upgrading a pre v385 data file to v4 called obsolete GMA plugin and generated startup error [8903]
- Authorisation web app to be validated on different browsers [8917]
- Tender: [tender]input form, on some of the pages the listbox needed to have horizontal scroll bars turned on [8563]
- Goods Received Note List Form had a “Spare” Header [8881]
- Good received > Finalize: Even when there was no item to receive it could still be finalised [6873]
- Runtime error was adding patient from Choose Patient.. Window [8800]
- Sync / scheduler was stalling [8905]
- Print a customer invoice form was failing to option a print window dialogue [8895]
- PDFs failed to generate on windows installed mSupply server [8864]
- Finalise on customer invoices w/ authorisation was not working [8863]
- Allowing a custom field to get shown on SI > Double clicking the SI > generated error [8838]
- Customer invoice: Finalising a ci on hold does not finalise the invoice but it does not warn the user [5527]
- On a stock adjustment the alert saying that you cannot confirm an un-authorized invoice should have come before the confirm message [7652]
- Setting item visibility to match master lists hid ‘Pack to One’ button on [store]input form [8744]
- Tenders: needed logging for tender status changes [8711]
- From printing option window: PDF file on disk failed [8831]
- Switching from PagePro to Super Report….. [8792]
- PNG Cloud data: error occurred when viewing the Badilli collector store [8725]
- Registering from mSupply client MAC application failed [8386]
- Default query: did not have the requisition table as a query option [8465]
- No icon for installed mSupply client [8472]
- Duplicates_find was no longer fixing ID’s [7412]
- Item input: When dragged – form did not format properly [8454]
Where is mSupply?
mSupply is primarily used in low- and middle-income countries around the world. You can find us in more than 35 countries.
Version History
- mSupply v8.0 (2025-01-30)
- mSupply v7.19 (2024-12-11)
- mSupply v7.18 (2024-10-09)
- mSupply v7.17 (2024-08-31)
- mSupply v7.16 (2024-07-18)
- mSupply v7.15 (2024-06-05)
- mSupply v7.14 (2024-04-26)
- mSupply v7.13 (2024-03-27)
- mSupply v7.12 (2024-02-12)
- mSupply v7.11 (2023-12-22)
- mSupply v7.10 (2023-11-27)
- mSupply v7.09 (2023-10-20)
- mSupply v7.08 (2023-09-22)
- mSupply v7.07 (2023-08-15)
- mSupply v7.06 (2023-07-05)
- mSupply v7.05 (2023-05-25)
- mSupply v7.04 (2023-04-12)
- mSupply v7.03 (2023-03-09)
- mSupply v7.02 (2023-03-01)
- mSupply v7.01 (2023-02-01)
- mSupply v7.00 (2022-12-22)
- mSupply v6.06 (2022-10-31)
- mSupply v6.05 (2022-10-14)
- mSupply v6.04 (2022-09-14)
- mSupply v6.03 (2022-08-15)
- mSupply v6.02 (2022-07-27)
- mSupply v6.01 (2022-07-05)
- mSupply v6.00 (2022-05-20)
- mSupply v5.07 (2022-03-22)
- mSupply v5.06 (2021-12-16)