Version History

v1.62 (9 June 2004)

  • Improved display of order lines, especially when doing price calculations.
  • Merging items takes better care of bill of materials
  • There is now a preference option to allow mSupply to maintain a file that indicates if the data file is currently in use by a single-user copy of mSupply.
  • A new management report was added to give a quick overview of the state of affairs of your organisation.
  • Currencies are now more robust in their implementation (you won’t see much change on the surface)
  • Added display of estimated order costs to orders.
  • New command to update automatically quotations from an order. The user has the option to update either only new lines or existing lines as well.
  • The title of special invoices can now be set in the Preferences.
  • ABC analysis can now be generated for a date range, and for either one customer or a range of customers (as well as the default setting which is for all customers).
  • The OK & Next button is now functional when editing lines on builds.
  • Several new transaction reports (including transactions by month, and sales totals for each name).
  • Items can be deleted if they have no associated transactions or quotes.
  • Improved importing of items and names.