mSupply v3.5 (2016-04-22)
New Features
Major features
- A Huge internal change to the database
- Allows more virtual stores (“virtually unlimited” ;-) )
- Allows more options for synchronisation. (We now use a UUID to identify each record, the possibility for ID conflicts is removed)
- A Drug Registration module
- Drug Registration allows a country using mSupply for national medicine distribution to also control the registration of medicines.
- Record suppliers/importers
- Save documents (Word, PDF etc) supplied by the applicant in mSupply.
- Track the registration status of each item.
- More details at
- Other areas
- User groups no longer include the stores a user can log in to. This allows for a more generic group structure. (You set the stores a user can log in to for each user, even when they’re a group member).
- Export to Excel is much improved with headings, justification, bolding, and more. [7244] and [7294]
- The Mac and Windows single user applications and our installers are code signed.
- Transactions and Stock can be tagged with either text or values a drop-down list- the values flow through from incoming transactions to stock to supplies to facilities [7131]
- Group permissions no longer include the stores a user can log in to. This allows the same permissions group to be used across stores.
- Simplified login and store setup- each store is now either a dispensing or it isn’t, so this option is removed from the login window.
- Integration with JSI’s ELMIS allowing automated import and export of data [7401]
- Printing of pallet labels [7319]
- Store tags allowing stores to be categorised across multiple schemas for reporting [6983]
- Invoice numbers now have a unique series for each store [4996]
- Lots of Synchronisation Improvements
- Reports are now synchronised between remote sites [7366]
- Can create purchase orders on a collector store [7006]
- Easier sync setup and configuration [7315]
Bug fixes
(If you’re bored enough to read a bug fix list: this one mainly includes bugs that were introduced by the massive internal reorganisation of our code and were never seen in the wild).
- While adding a item for issuing – with no item selected – keeping something on pack field generate an error… [7793]
- Patient > merge …. Not able to merge patient from the menu. [7775]
- Sync data and the remote dispensary is active. Strange behaviour. [7778]
- Sync remote data but with Dispensary being “None” sync. Not possible to create new items. [7774]
- Reserved names such as inventory adjustment, Non stock goods, Re-packs…. are duplicated on the sync system. [7776]
- Issuing a Non stock items through PO>GR>SI>CI – leading to create a ledger problem on mSupply….. [7772]
- When adding a new drug registration document no UUID is assigned to [log]ID [7781]
- When adding documents to a new drug registration, [DOC_REFERENCE]LINKED_RECORD_ID is saved empty [7782]
- Can’t merge patients when sync is turned on (if patient names are not being synced) [6911]
- Customer categories: we might have lost the default label for the user fields on customer categories [7763]
- HIS : New Bed, We see the “spare” label, plus MISC HIS issues [7760]
- Item master lists: merging items leaves a line in a master list with no name but with price and an imprest quantity [7767]
- Web module > both customer and mobile stock take have stock number 0 with first stock take creation. [7671]
- ID count restarting on example database for stock take. Invoice number re-count for inventory adjustment on Zanzibar datafile. [7668]
- During version update code stores are being made dispensary if the [store]mode=1. It is not always true. [7757]
- Myanmar customised reports: Some headers are truncated instead of wrapping if they’re longer than a line [7647]
- Printing of prescription does not show any available pagepro [7666]
- Issuing service item for a customer – always sets the sell price of previous trans line having sell price >0 [7624]
- Report > Item list… is missing the usual headers. [7669]
- Version update v350 : An error message poped up during upgrading v318 datafile to v350 as shown in screenshot. [7722]
- missing slash on and causes a database error. [7719]
- Drug registration report is not working from the menu…. [7754]
- Transaction list window messed up after selecting customer or supplier from options on left hand side [7571]
- Add a shortcut for Drug registration menu file menu > same as mSupply file menu shortcut… [7753]
- Item input > Tab Quote > Adding a quote remove the store selection from the DDL – resulting an error.. [7732]
- Adding a backorder and clicking cancel from item input > tab “backorder” generate an error… [7731]
- When service item is issued/nonstock item is being received> line should be coloured as purple/bright blue – missing now !!!! [7745]
- When setting visibilty to match master list errors come up for each item with stock [7617]
- When adding a new drug registration from the output form the counter of drug registrations does not refresh itself. [7748]
- No UUID is assigned to the drug register categories ID field when adding a new drug registration category [7746]
- CI > Issue window: User can issue the dummy transaction lines…. [7733]
- Myanmar central quarterly report: didn’t showed the report option even though logged into Central TB warehouse store… [7744]
- transact “buid” form- tab control needs name changed to “at_build_tabs” [7749]
- Item > when put to on hold so not to received – is allowed to receive with a dummy item name [7728]
- Item input > Tab Purchaser order > column Order ID > change this to show the serial number rather then PO.ID [7730]
- In [drug_register]output form some columns of the listbox have wrong data source [7747]
- Drug registration user permission : On for new user… Plus the “All on” button not working. [7548]
- Sync: optimisations for stock-transfer sync records [7705]
- When creating a new supplier/customer > Category shows the both customer and supplier category, should not !! [7729]
- Adding AdHoc item while placing an order doesn’t treat AdHoc items as a Non stock items [7727]
- User without permission to view items/names/invoices can actually be able to do so. [5941]
- GR report : Custom good received report for Zanzibar is having printing issue. [7725]
- PO reports : Printing issue with customized PO report for Zanzibar. [7724]
- CSH Input window > Add item window > field “item” always remember the last item added.. [7723]
- Mobile module > Show stock Based Orders… : Supplier SOH data column is showing wrong data [7693]
- Importing items and stock- the visibility in the current store is not set for any items created [7700]
- Location output > Show warehouse button: Generate an error… [7697]
- Transaction report window: custom stock fields need their own group label [7426]
- Able to add new suppliers in dispensary mode on sync satellite [7710]
- Transaction output > Cancel button: is failing to cancel the transaction for the logged in store… [7713]
- Issue window > re-distribute button : generate an error…. [7696]
- Some reports: progress bar is missing [7649]
- Transaction reports having issue with the number column in displaying values. [7688]
- Mobile module > Reports > Ordered vs. Received and issued [7673]
- Catalogue module : Top and mid category are showing the wrong list. [7675]
- mobile > reports doesn’t work. [7708]
- Choosing to add an ad hoc item from Invad invoices lines window – add’s a dummy ad hoc items into the list [7586]
- Able to edit “preferred” checkbox on supplier input form when supplier is supposedly read-only [7709]
- Pick slip report : Custom pick slip report required for Zanzibar to not print placeholder line(s) [7703]
- When service items are not allowed we write in prefs “disallow” while we often check conditions on the word “disallowed”. [7706]
- PO input > Switching to tab from General to Supplier invoice and to general tab generate an error [7698]
- SI > input > finalise checkbox > when finalised checkbox is checked – then finalise the invoice straight away… [7694]
- After choosing customer category from 3-level list, the wrong one is displayed in the customer category field [7686]
- Misc label: Printing a Misc Label generates an error [7695]
- Printing pick slip report on customer invoice shows “No data to report on” message when data is there. [7660]
- Customer web module > Confirmed stock takes can be modified. [7674]
- web dashboard : graph labels not readable, web catalogue : item list header has a white highlight. Both on Android chrome [7677]
- Web module : customer order : entering a comment on the first line, the second line too get populated with the same comment. [7678]
- HIS : Various columns are showing UUID columns. [7690]
- Editing the existing Notes in the Edit Customer/Supplier Window does not update changes with click of OK Button. [7577]
- Name input form: button next to Master ID field gives a SOAP error when clicked [7353]
- Error message when double-clicking on outstanding PO line in outstanding PO window [7567]
- Method user_store_login_allowed should use can_login field of table user_store to see if a user can login [7672]
- For the FSM placed the logo as suggested by the docs, but on purchase order the logo comes across chopped. [7295]
- Zanzibar r&r : When trying to create a CI invoice – server doesn’t respond as records has been locked out by mSupply server… [7589]
- Some permissions wrongly implemented [7583]
- Items > stock > Labels Button > Print Button throws synatax error. [7566]
- Web catalogue on Ipad safari doesn’t seem to be as reliable as Chrome android. [7676]
- Item detail : now not possible to save item location in the item_store_join table. [7659]
- Item list report: In supervisor mode Ctrl+A doesn’t select all stores in the stores listbox [7650]
- Report > Item list…. The report “code, name and shelf location” is showing as landscape when it should be portrait. [7657]
- Transaction reports showing placeholder lines when service items are allowed. [7592]
- File -> Preference -> Invoices 1 -> Sell price changes affect un-finalised customer invoices… checkbox not working properly [7600]
- Inventory adjustment via stock take : We should allow for cost and sell price to be modifiable. [7597]
- [name]input form: Supplying store DDL and shipping address group box are visible for supplier. [7578]
- Batch and Expiry date of item get disable but the calender do not get disable. [7554]
- PO > Input > Delete line button: should not ask for confirmation if stock already received [6753]
- In inventory adjustment (reduce), the item line I select is not the one considered for checking stock availability [7653]
- Authorised and confirmed inventory adjustment can be changed and saved without authorising again [7627]
- Stocktake>add existing batch: supplier and donor not picked up where stock with same batch/expiry already exist [6497]
- Tender module>Quote line:Deleting a quoated supplier name doesn’t update&disable on window “Edit window” & “Edit tender Item”.. [6416]
- Mac client on Zanzibar data, expiring report failed to work perhaps due to date format. [7645]
- Protect against divide-by-zero [7303]
- Auto generated tender makes references to UUIDs [7360]
- when PO>GR>supplier invoice created : changing the supplier name on PO changes the name of supplie on GR not on SI… [7555]
- Zanzibar Custom Report: Zills_regimen_report[Zanzibar_5998].Zone Name (i.e ZANZIBAR) is not showing in exported excel. [7520]
- Transaction lines disappear when upgrading data file with on-hold SI from stock transfer [7607]
- Drug registration shows up as supplier & donor for all lines on a supplier invoice [7613]
- Currencies: it is possible to add one when on a sync satellite [7459]
- Sync stock transfer & internal requisition order is failing to show on a receiving store of Primary sites [7596]
- Sync collector on the cloud server exe : We have transaction syncing when it shouldn’t [7575]
- Fields [item]spare_non_stock and [item]spare_non_stock_name_ID : rename to [item]non_stock and [item]non_stock_name_ID [7310]
- Customer stock history: it’s broken, list of items doesn’t populate on entry of customer name [7421]
- Show customer > Filter by category doesn’t effect. [7470]
- East Timor : We find that [transaction]total does not match sum of [trans_lines]price_ext in some case. [7610]
- v14 Conversion : Item > Adding new Category 2 and Category 3 generate error… [7170]
- Item category : Choosing item category from [item]brief form throws errors. [7289]
- The web catalogue is also broken. The behaviour is simliar to the mobile interface. [7297]
- Mobile interface show the item search spin wheel which stops the normal navigator from working [7282]
- Item input > OK button: Throws an error on method “save_record_if_changed” on compiled… [7623]
- New store : unable to label it as dispensary the first time…. Second time around OK [7549]
- Disable printing options that were used in print form, when pagepro is used. [5626]
- Suppier invoice line window: View/Edit item button, doesn’t show the right item selected on field “Item”… [7015]
- Transaction report > Each invoice grouped by name : Filtering it by Customer group is failing to show the records… [7621]
- hierarchical Item category output : Adding category and new child doesn’t refresh the items list…. [7608]
- v14 conversion: Name categories are broken – creating and assigning to names [7201]
- v14 conversion: There are nearly 3000 compiler errors in current master. [7203]
- Stock on date report, Show items with batches, export to Excel: throws an error [7396]
- method: sync_get_syncing_sites is generating an error on SQL code [7368]
- Not the right field is assigned to listbox column Item in [drug_register]output form [7622]
- when trying to updating a sell/cost price – user could potentially locked themselves – only option is to force quit the server [7620]
- Resource for “don’t care” is wrong when building the query to search for drug registrations [7618]
- Item > Show Units:- Not displaying the units value in listbox. [7605]
- item input > Stock tab > Show related invoices : generate an error… [7580]
- Enable syncing of custom reports [7606]
- Can edit a transaction in a collector store [7599]
- Stock on date report: click on “show batches with summary” immediately closes the report window [7063]
- SCMS Myanmar> Current stock report is not being ordered by item categories in ascending order… [7594]
- While creating a customer invoice for non-stock through SI – GR ID on comment has a UUID change this to show the serial_number [7558]
- Split: locations are not working [7574]
- name stock history>Previous stock take ID: Failing to show the previous stock history serial number…… [7584]
- Dispensary mode : patient details : The objects in the “Others” section does not obey user permissions. [7559]
- Item > Manage item access…. Window fails to show customer group when data is saved and re-opened. [7556]
- Split movement report: No longer prints out landscape by default [7588]
- Zanzibar pickslip pagepro report is failing to show the Facility name. complained by Fatma…. [7585]
- PO and Good Received Find Window is not showing the records list according to the value entered in the show field. [7587]
- method sync_process_outgoing – will only process the number of records in pref “sync_request_size” each time [7563]
- when no webserver to talks to from satallite to primary – its still deleting the records from sync out…. [7560]
- error generated on method : create_customer_inv_from_sup at line number 95 [7557]
- With sync – creates an ledger problem while issuing it to a customer…. [7561]
- method: sync_process_incoming could delete the sync_out records when no valid handshake with the primary server…. [7564]
- Customer invoice : Expired item is allowed to issue in the customer invoice. [7582]
- CI transaction input : Clicking on Add placeholder button remove the custom stock tagging value from the listbox columns. [7437]
- ‘decimal places’word is chopped off in invoice 1 preference. [7553]
- Edit Store Preference tab Confirm customer invoices automatically checkbox is not funtioning correctly. [7539]
- Patient > Show patient… Find dialog can have previously searched value, Tender quote line, has manufacturer resource missing [7258]
- sync error : Store names not being sent to the remote clients. [7098]
- Crown agents : Carriage returm was found on [item_line]batches which messed up our reporting. [7069]
- Customer details form, Group tab: listbox is enterable, it shouldn’t be [6971]
- user permission report : check for accuracy [7551]
- sync is not working as generated errors log get created saying: “error in sync_get_remote_queue_size(): Invalid user and pass… [7547]
- Goods received line input > can’t enter the quantity to receive….. [7542]
- Authorization checkbox remains invisible even it is enable on the store preferences. [7519]
- PagePro report, printing_option form > Remember this choice checkbox doesn’t work properly. [7546]
- Currencies: deleting one deletes the home currency, not the one you selected [7445]
- v3.5, diagnostic shows ledger problems when they aren’t any. [7325]
- Sync from Local to cloud broken. Works the other way. [7444]
- Stock transfers are broken [7263]
- Sync on satelliite not creating sync records for transactions [7460]
- version update : My purchase order list box was showing serial ID… This was due to the saved list box pref for user. [7456]
- Store input form: tab visibility is broken [7265]
- Supervisor mode reports: sorting by store name/code in the store generates report for wrong stores [7431]
- Logic bombs in mSupply code [7323]
- Web > mobile > reports are not working well [7335]
- User permissions report: causes mSupply to crash with Myanmar datafile [7376]
- Transaction reports, Report type listbox allows multiple report selection [7384]
- Supplier invoice: log entry for creation from a goods received note has an error for user name [7372]
- User list window: close box button (red button at top) doesn’t close the window [7351]
- Web > customer > stock take > stock take line can not be deleted. [7336]
- Version update code: [transact]mode field need to be filled in with an appropriate values….. [7337]
- Item input > Princing group : If user doesn’t have a permission then hide all the necesary fields which is failing… [7333]
- Dashboard records in file preferences fails to be created on new data file. [7283]
- Web module > item search does not work. [7328]
- Goods received note: when entering goods received lines and selecting a location, errors are thrown [7260]
- Zanzibar: budget balances report needs some tweaks [7402]
- Error generated when trying to query [pref_blob] and [pref] tables in record browser [7117]
- File > edit users : The list shows no data even when we have three users. [7136]
- Item > Show items… errors encountered. [7137]
- <>i_current_location is expecting a longint- change to use a method like store_get_current_mode(<>t_current_store_ID) [7164]
- Newly created supplier is not visible in the logged in store. [7162]
- v14 conversion: Fix the bug on pm_il_array method [7194]
- Find PO window > searching by “order number” : generate an error… [7249]
- Item input > category list window: collapsing the list – don’t collapsed rather add some dummy category name at the end [7342]
- Assigning Catregory 1 name categories on Name input form: + and – icons don’t behave correctly [7354]
- Remove Admin > “Set start of year stock” from Nav [7307]
- Special menu > Show web messages… menu item: remove it [7339]
- Special > Currencies, Get internet rates button: Can’t get internet rates, functionality is broken [7373]
- QuanTB export: files can’t be saved on client/server [7449]
- Not possible to view old versions of reference documents on a tender [7364]
- Tender: upload a 2nd version of a document and the left hand button on the confirmation window is too short [7363]
- Downloading a tender document throws an error [7361]
- Stock on date report options window: radio buttons broken [7395]
- New supplier invoices and customer invoices are given the same invoice number [7358]
- Version update to 3.5: The default service item in preferences is missing [7380]
- Adding a new assets > Assets > Show assets > Special – doesnot display on the listbox .. [7291]
- Purchase order list: ID (a UUID) is displayed instead of serial_number [7356]
- User permissions report: after running it the users are all removed from the listbox [7375]
- Viewing item and switching item category shows a run time error on compiled. [7352]
- General Issues encountered. We have a list here. [7072]
- Double-clicking on any store in the store list always shows the same one [7441]
- Users with no permission to create supplier, can from the name list window and from the supplier invoice form. [7453]
- Item input > stock tab: eventhough there is some stock on the items – doesn’t display the stock details. [7226]
- regimen report saving- OK button saves data to the wrong record [7525]
- eLMIS creating a shipment generate an array range check error… [7513]
- Custom stock labels not showing up on reports [7425]
- Report > Purchase order window > Tab “Find single” > Need to change the query… [7248]
- When a normal name is created it’s type is not set to “facility” [7268]
- File > Preference >tab price: Adding a supplier to ignore price category doesn’t update on listbox.. [7247]
- First time around on server / client, for customer elmis invoice : canceling at the item alternative selection form shows error [7522]
- When user logged into drug registration module – setup the menu bar for drug registration… [7531]
- Drug registration: Opening a new data file – drug registration store is failing to create.. [7528]
- While creating a new drug registration records – generate an error saying duplicate keys… [7530]
- Drug registration find window > Clicking on Cancel doesn’t do anything… [7533]
- elmis shipment > Alternative section for a item : Double clicking a line/clicking “select” thows an error… [7523]
- Replace use of get_store_mode() with a new interprocess variable <>t_current_store_mode [7454]
- Drug registration find window : resources are messed up… [7535]
- eLMIS pref > Scan now : Giving an syntax error when not set a base folder to create a new eLMIS folder… [7541]
- Item import: new imported items are not visible in any store [7434]
- Find good received window > searching by “received ID” : generate an error… [7250]
- Customer Credit Window > tab log > column user – Need to change to show the User name rather then UUID [7277]
- Zanzibar Custom Report: Order_processing_time report.The value of Summary is in wrong column. [7512]
- Adding a Ad hoc items from navigator > item tab > Ad hoc items – doesn’t show on the listbox.. [7216]
- Visibilty of Check box “preferred” in form [name]input are not in sync. [7507]
- Zanzibar Custom Report:Stock_take_total_by_name_location(Zanzibar_#6393) Report.Need to fix some bug. [7500]
- ELMIS pref > Scan now : Giving an syntax error.. [7496]
- Zanzibar Custom Report: Zills_regimen_report[Zanzibar_5998].The value of the TOTAL is wrong. [7498]
- Merging items: appears to work correctly locally but fails under sync [7474]
- Transaction reports: choosing anitem category in the item category filter results in an error [7385]
- Slow Movers Report has bug, it cannot create the report. [7518]
- Zanzibar Custom Report: Stock_on_date_item_total_5999 Report.Need to fix some bug. [7499]
- Runtime error when trying to print supplier invoice [7508]
- Stock line input > Tab “reference document” – Delete and Download document is not working properly… [7497]
- Zanzibar R&R: Selecting one line and clicking Revert to suggested quan and Revert to customer request generate an error… [7516]
- eLMIS transaction: when re-distributed and when confirm – always shows the trans line created by eLMIS… [7515]
- eLMIS invoice when confirmed get locked out with very wiered behaviour… [7514]
- Zanzibar R&R: when adding a new customer from the “Add New Name” icon, the previous CSH list is not re-freshed. [7517]
- [trans_line]pack_size is used in cash receipt and cash payment module to store invoice ids…. Broken With v14 conversion, [7093]
- Backorders: When adding a quantity of an item to a ci from a backorder, mSupply wrongly reports there is not enough in stock [7304]
- [pref_blob], value cannot be saved, when creating new printer. [7405]
- Name output window > General > District > Name category window > try to collapse or expand the node pop up the error [7504]
- Edit budget period window > Show related button > Customer/Supplier invoice selection pop up error. [7502]
- when no email address is set for eLMIS – clicking on OK give an alert but doesn’t highlight the right tab… [7505]
- Version update : for Myanmar default currency is not handled. [7455]
- eLMIS shipment creation is failing as we renamed the file on a code but hasn’t renamed on a look up folder.. [7511]
- eLMIS: Move Document doesn’t always move the document on a target folder if you have same file already on target folder…. [7510]
- Compiler error on latest Master [7494]
- Standard order processing pagepro report is not excel friendly.. [7495]
- Open cash receipt shows error window. [7472]
- Adding a new line to issue doesn’t show the custom tagging…. [7451]
- Zanzibar: custom customer invoice pagepro report needs changing so to cope with preview and export to excel. [7479]
- From issue window, for placeholder lines – changing a packsize doesn’t respect on transaction lines [7462]
- Exporting combined report to excel is failing also need some tweaks… [7488]
- latest 3.5 master has a comiler error… [7489]
- The facility ID in custom report for Zanzibar : ‘budget_balances’ needs to be fixed. [7490]
- Exporting the ppro report having alternate background field to set a background is throwing an error… [7491]
- Generating an item slow movers report throws an error…. [7493]
- Generating an item usage report throws an error…. [7492]
- Zanzibar Report: Stock_on_date_item_batch report’s “TOTAL STOCK VALUE” gives zero value.And the header needs fixing too. [7482]
- Duplicating an item is broken on current 3.5 master…. [7468]
- Item input > stock tab: viewing the stock details and clicking on OK generate an error… [7467]
- Report exporting: “Remember this choice” not remembering my choice [7473]
- Customer invoice need a horizontal scroll bar. [7471]
- All(?) reports that are ‘Export to Excel’ fail [7413]
- When creating a new supplier invoice [transact]mode is set to an empty value [7439]
- Customer invoice > adding placeholder lines gives error [7458]
- Location report: it’s broken, error thrown after clicking OK button on options screen [7466]
- Running a location report throws an error… [7448]
- si Transactions are not showing in transaction report [7461]
- New custom stock fields: no way to edit them for existing stock [7423]
- Server client: Eventhough the store are not disabled- Navigator store message displays: Disabled just before the store name [7457]
- Viewing preference – throws an error at line number 626, 637 and 921 [7143]
- v14 conversion: Double clicking the listbox having no master list throws and error [7176]
- conversion > Tender : Fix the error generated.. [7174]
- conversion: Adding a new good received records throws an error. [7159]
- conversion: Creating and saving a new blank purchase order throws an error. [7154]
- conversion of structure: Adding a new names (customer/supplier) throws an error… [7141]
- Purchase order report > Cash flow planning report generate an error… [7246]
- conversion: Item input > Fix the bugs…. [7182]
- conversion: Viewing the store list from navigator icon generate an error. [7163]
- msupply report needs fixing or needs changing…… [7256]
- PagePro combined reports not working [7255]
- Minor varaible bug fix on 3.5.. [7252]
- conversion: Double clicking the stock take lines, generate an argument type error. [7210]
- conversion: creating a location / clicking “show Warehouse” generate an error… [7165]
- item input > Reconcile: is not showing the right value.. [7344]
- still 9 compilation error on current 3.5 master [7326]
- Store Input form: setting mode to store wrong records “general” rather than “store” in field [store]mode [7309]
- Dispensary mode : viewing invisible items changes the visibility without modifying visibility. [7292]
- Calculated Purchase orders check all items instead of visible items for the current store [7288]
- Generating a stock on date report throws an error….. [7245]
- PO output > Splitting a PO generate an error… [7243]
- Creating a new payment – throws an error. [7241]
- Tender input: Clicking on tender input tab generates an error.. [7240]
- Adding a new currency or viewing the currency generate an error… [7239]
- Still around 102 compiler errors….. [7237]
- Merging name throws an error… [7236]
- Purchase order input > location tab: Generate an error with few more bug fixed on same window [7235]
- Item input > Usage tab: Generate an error. [7234]
- Item usage report window : clicking on button to save the current setting throws and error. [7223]
- Report>group box “Transaction”>clicking on report “Purchase order” give an error message. [7222]
- Transaction output > Filter window > Delete button throws an error… [7438]
- Users: if assigned they are assigned to a group the check that they have login rights to a store doesn’t work [7377]
- method: listbox_array_arrange_aftersort throws an error [7348]
- Generating a item ledger report throws an error… [7327]
- Supplier invoice currency is wrongly selected. The chosen currency for the supplier is not chosen. [7452]
- Supplier > Show invoice…. and toggleing to “Supplier Invoice” text in Transactions List behaves differently. [7320]
- Pre-defined custom field adding: when trying to save the blank custom field – should supress the second alert. [7427]
- Change all the dynamic query string so that it cope with the ID as alpha numeric….. [7442]
- Checking the store mode into a new process has slowed down the whole mSupply execution… [7443]
- On client server setup: viewing a stock take line and clicking OK button hung up and throws an error as well… [7430]
- Tagging a stock line with custom field 1- 4 from item input > Stock tab: doesn’t update on listbox [7428]
- Adding a new items doesn’t update on a listbox automatically… [7416]
- When adding a supplier invoice line, 4D stop with a syntax error when calling method pro_si_array which doesn’t exists anymore [7433]
- Custom stock fields are not indexed (in either [item_line] or [trans_line]) [7432]
- Viewing a resources on a resource editor – selecting any one of it throws an error… [7429]
- Current stock report> export to excel checkbox – when checked, export to excel on print window should be selected by default.. [7397]
- Consider groups when turning off last add/edit users permission [7301]
- Merging names: Benchmark setting of name that is kept is not respected [7355]
- Repack > broken, not able to create one… the status DDL look blank. [7213]
- Goods received note: error thrown when viewing the current list of goods received notes [7370]
- User permissions, permissions tab: has a checkbox labelled “Spare” [7387]
- User name needs to be shown rather then the User ID on transaction log tab listbox… [7340]
- Name input > tab “backorder” – field to enter item name is locked….. [7347]
- Generating a user permission report – removed the user from the selection from user list window… [7349]
- Goods received note: error thrown when printing Consignment Receipt Report [7371]
- Purchase order deletion: alert contains UUID of purchase order instead of serial_number [7359]
- Current stock report, export to Excel: Expiry date column in bigger font size [7391]
- Expiring items report, sorted by expiry date, export to Excel: missing Pack size column header [7398]
- Item list report, with long description variant, export to excel: column headers are in wrong place [7389]
- Stock on date report, export to Excel: throws an error [7394]
- Stock on date report: Store name(s) missing from title [7393]
- Duplicating a purchase order: the comment applied to the duplicated PO contains the ID rather than serial number of the po [7357]
- Printing a tender invitation letter throws an error [7362]
- Customer invoice, printing Summary_portrait_with_logo throws an error [7369]
- Customer invoice printing: exporting “Standard_landscape_with_logo” throws an error [7365]
- Stocktake log details: replace UUID with serial number… [7367]
- Setting up a permission to a group and that group assigned to a some users – doesn’t show the immediate affect.. [7350]
- Contact > Selecting a contact group window: Listbox has been assigned a wrong datasource. [7224]
- Getting a locked message when trying to view the transaction line from stock take line > stock tab window… [7345]
- Transaction output: Cancelling a transaction doesn’t show the transaction lines….. [7341]
- Item details > Tab Bill of material : When no permission to view – then general tab has to be highlighted its failing now [7334]
- Printing a purchase order throws an error [7259]
- When open item details, it alert error. [7329]
- Item input >Stock tab: failing to show the supplier code on a stock details listbox… [7324]
- Item type which is now set to “cr” needs to be changed to “cross_reference” [7314]
- mSupply not storing alternative Spreadsheet details [7317]
- v14 conversion: Creating a new build transaction throws an error [7178]
- 4dv14 conversion: pm_next_number thorws an Duplicate keys error”… [7190]
- v14 conversion: Fix the bug on purchase order line window [7191]
- v14 conversion: Fix the bug on build transaction window… [7193]
- v14 conversion: Fix bugs for name stock history… [7184]
- v14 conversion: Fix the bug on customer invoice transaction window… [7192]
- Good received > Print button: thows an error on print_records_setup… [7220]
- Name input > Tab Quote > adding new quote throws an error and adding backorder doesn’t updat eon listbox. [7233]
- Item input > tab misc > Adding a new warning throws an error and adding bill of material – doesn’t update on listbox [7232]
- Put the necessary report for v14 strcuture… [7251]
- Creating a new store – [store]mode field should be filled which is now failing to set… [7281]
- msupply forms changes having ID as UUID change this to show a valid data……. [7278]
- Internal requestion order > currency_ID is being reset to blank while saving a record [7287]
- msupply dispensary side: Fix the bugs on patient input form with all the necessary tabs. [7266]
- Method: qr_get_PO_num_from_stock_line needs changing to return a PO.serial_number… [7290]
- Creating a curency prefs on a new data file is failing to hold the corrrect currency ID… [7142]
- v14 conversion: Opening a new data file throws an error on method report_blob_add_update… [7161]
- v14 conversion: Item list > Store tab > Showing a HIS store which should not. [7167]
- v14 conversion: Error generated while executing method “name_get_contacts” [7177]
- Searching for customer invoices is broken in stores other than the default store [7306]
- For newly created store – Viewing item details > item should not be made visible on that store. [7311]
- Item category > Draging and droping the ite category throws an error… [7238]
- Stock transfer: automatically detecting item visibility in the receiving store is not working properly [7271]
- Transaction report window>item filter: Clicking on button find to serach for the item category throws an error…. [7221]
- Stocktakes: some printouts use stocktake ID instead of serial number [7272]
- Internal requestion order is failing….. [7280]
- Ord no in Purchase order in Edit customer/supplier window displays in UUID. [7279]
- User permissions for stores other than the general store are not saved [7264]
- Myanmar report method needs to be moved away from using store ids [7218]
- Need a new method to get a serial_number of purchase order…… [7257]
- Item catgeory 2 and 3: Adding category to them – doesn’t update on the listbox.. [7225]
- choosing a name: double-click works, but clciking “Use” button doesn’t select name. [7212]
- trans_line “item_issue” form- choosing an item does not show stock- use of t_trans_storekey is wrong [7209]
- v14 conversion: Selecting name in ci, si, po etc. is broken – list to choose from is empty [7202]
- v14 conversion: default data file, creating first purchase order throws “Duplicated key” error [7200]
- Current structure shows error during creating and opening a new data file : Analyse and fix if possible. [7057]
Where is mSupply?
mSupply is primarily used in low- and middle-income countries around the world. You can find us in more than 35 countries.
Version History
- mSupply v8.0 (2025-01-30)
- mSupply v7.19 (2024-12-11)
- mSupply v7.18 (2024-10-09)
- mSupply v7.17 (2024-08-31)
- mSupply v7.16 (2024-07-18)
- mSupply v7.15 (2024-06-05)
- mSupply v7.14 (2024-04-26)
- mSupply v7.13 (2024-03-27)
- mSupply v7.12 (2024-02-12)
- mSupply v7.11 (2023-12-22)
- mSupply v7.10 (2023-11-27)
- mSupply v7.09 (2023-10-20)
- mSupply v7.08 (2023-09-22)
- mSupply v7.07 (2023-08-15)
- mSupply v7.06 (2023-07-05)
- mSupply v7.05 (2023-05-25)
- mSupply v7.04 (2023-04-12)
- mSupply v7.03 (2023-03-09)
- mSupply v7.02 (2023-03-01)
- mSupply v7.01 (2023-02-01)
- mSupply v7.00 (2022-12-22)
- mSupply v6.06 (2022-10-31)
- mSupply v6.05 (2022-10-14)
- mSupply v6.04 (2022-09-14)
- mSupply v6.03 (2022-08-15)
- mSupply v6.02 (2022-07-27)
- mSupply v6.01 (2022-07-05)
- mSupply v6.00 (2022-05-20)
- mSupply v5.07 (2022-03-22)
- mSupply v5.06 (2021-12-16)